Wednesday, June 5, 2013

8th Grade: Just the Facts - Part Two (Questions 7-17)

The answers to the questions below will vary, depending on what state was assigned to you. This is due on Monday, June 10, 2013

7. What are the names and political parties of the real life senators who currently represent your state?

8. During your work as a U.S. Senator you may need to get in touch with your governor. Who is the governor of your state and what is his or her politlca party?

9. What are some important historical events that have happened in your state?

10. Who are some famous people who lived there (that is besides you!)?

11. What are the major geographic features of your state?

12. What are the important industries or economic activities?

13. Name the two largest cities and their populations.

14. Do people in your state live mostly in rural areas or in large urban centers?

15. List some other important information you think your fellow senators sould know about your state?

16. Now that you know your state a little better, what big issues do you thikn people in your state have on their minds?

17. List the reference source(s) you used to answer these questions. Include the title, year of publication and volume number, if there is one.