Monday, December 9, 2013

Study Guid for Tomorrow's Quiz (7th Grade)

The Aim/s and objectives being tested with this quiz are as follows:

   Where is Jamestown and what happened there? 
    What was life like in the New England Colonies?

PART A: Short answer

Directions: Answer the three questions below on your own paper. Your response must be at least one paragraph long for each question. You can use all of your notes. 30 points! (10 pts each)

The following criteria will be used to assess your short answer response:
    A.  Selects and includes appropriate information and arguments
 Highlight every term used in your responses.

1 – The settlers of Jamestown, the second English settlement, were struck by hunger and disease. Why did this happen? How did Jamestown prosper afterwards?

Terms to use: English settlers, Chesapeake Bay, 1607, gold, swamp, starvation, tobacco, private ownership, competition (compete).

2 – What are the reasons people might have left Europe to settle in America? Describe the two English groups that left Europe for the New World and their reasons for leaving their homeland.

Terms to use: Religious persecution, Anglican Church, Puritan, Pilgrims, Plymouth, 1619.

3 – Why were the Mayflower Compact and Fundamental Orders of Connecticut so significant in the English Colonies?

Terms to use: Mayflower Compact, representative government

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

8th Grade Homework 11/13/13

Homework due on Thursday, November 14, 2013

Students will write a letter to the editor of a British or American newspaper that begins:

“Dear _________________, I am writing to express my opinion about the events that occurred March 5, 1770 in Boston. I feel the blame rests solely on…..(student must then make an argument either way on who is to blame using information that they learned during the lesson).

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

8th Grade Journals 11-20

Journal 11 - How did Quakers and people like Mary Dyer and Anne Hutchinson create trouble in the colonies? Do you think they were doing the right or wrong thing?

Journal 12 - Why is John Peter Zenger's case so important today? Explain how Freedom of the Press benefits society today.

Journal 13 - Who controlled trade and who supplied raw materials under Mercantilism in the British Empire?

 Journal 14 - Describe a plantation. What is a good life to you?

Journal 15 - Who fought in the French & Indian War? Why did they fight? Who won? How did that change North America?

Journal 16 - How did control of land change during the French & Indian War?

Journal 17 - Use the following terms to answer the aim in one paragraph. Aim: Who fought in the French & Indian War and what were the effects? Words: alliance, control, North America, France, Great Britain, Treaty of Paris of 1763, Proclamation Line of 1763, speculator. Highlight the terms in the paragraph.

Journal 18 - Use the following terms to explain why the Colonists became angry with the British: writs of assistance, Sugar Act, Proclamation Line of 1763, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Tea Act, Quartering Acts.

Journal 19 - Describe an event that showed anger on behalf of the colonists towards the British.

Journal 20 - TBA

Monday, October 21, 2013

7th Grade: Journals 11-20

Journal 11 - What is history and why is it important? Describe the two different types of sources historians use to learn about history?

Journal 12 - How do you think the first Americans arrived here?

Journal 13 - What is history and why is it important to learn it?

Journal 14 - Now that you have read V1.3, explain how the Native Americans arrived in North America.

Journal 15 - Choose one Native American civilization mentioned in class and describe it in your journal.

Journal 16 - Choose another Native American civilization mentioned in class and describe it.

Journal 17 - How do you think Native Americans kept warm during the winter?

Journal 18 - Why did Columbus call the Native Americans 'Indians'?

Journal 19 - Draw a map of the world as the Europeans saw it before they discovered America?

Journal 20 - How do we know the Vikings were here before Columbus? (Use V1.13-14)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

8th Grade Journals 1-10

Journal 1 - Describe one event that you learned about American History last year.

Journal 2 - Hunter-gatherer societies are nomadic. what does that mean?

Journal 3 - How was Spain able to conquer large parts of the New World? In you response include the following terms: Indians, weapons, conquistador, Aztec, Inca, diseae, enslave, 1521, 1532.

Journal 4 - Describe how the four middle colonies were formed? (NY, NJ, PA, DE)

Journal 5 - Read "What's In a Word?" and list the different types of governments and their characteristics.

Journal 6 - What type of government may be prone to take the rights of citizens away?

Journal 7 - Why is Bacon's Rebellion so significant in Colonial history?

Journal 8 - Describe how or why your designated colony was established.

Journal 9 - Describe a royal, charter, proprietary colony. Which one may have granted its citizens more freedom?

Journal 10 - How is the relationship between church and state today different than how it was in Colonial times?

Monday, September 30, 2013

7th Grade Journals 1-10

Journal 1 - Draw a map of your neighborhood. Include the 5 parts of a map.

Journal 2 - What is the difference between a political and physical map? What is the difference between a globe and map projection?

Journal 3 - Draw a map of the world that shows all 7 continents and 4 oceans.

Journal 4 - Look at your homework and explain why we need lines of latitude and longitude on a map.

Journal 5 - Choose any 3 landforms and describe them in your own words.

Journal 6 - Choose any 3 bodies of water and describe them in your own words.

Journal 7 - Describe all the landforms and bodies of water you have seen in person.

Journal 8 - List as many states as you can without looking at a map.

Journal 9 - Describe the physical features of the U.S. using yesterday's notes. Use your own words.

Journal 10 - Describe the physical features of the U.S. from west to east using your U.S. Physical Regions map.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

8th Grade: Just the Facts - Part Two (Questions 7-17)

The answers to the questions below will vary, depending on what state was assigned to you. This is due on Monday, June 10, 2013

7. What are the names and political parties of the real life senators who currently represent your state?

8. During your work as a U.S. Senator you may need to get in touch with your governor. Who is the governor of your state and what is his or her politlca party?

9. What are some important historical events that have happened in your state?

10. Who are some famous people who lived there (that is besides you!)?

11. What are the major geographic features of your state?

12. What are the important industries or economic activities?

13. Name the two largest cities and their populations.

14. Do people in your state live mostly in rural areas or in large urban centers?

15. List some other important information you think your fellow senators sould know about your state?

16. Now that you know your state a little better, what big issues do you thikn people in your state have on their minds?

17. List the reference source(s) you used to answer these questions. Include the title, year of publication and volume number, if there is one.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

7th Grade - Journals 21-30

Journal 21 - Why did cargographers depend on exploreres to help them make maps?

Journal 22 - Why did Europeans migrate to and settle in North America?

Journal 23- Write a letter to an explorer who searched for a Northwest passage. Explain why this discovery is important to your nation.

Journal 24 - Describe the first two attempts of English colonizations in North America.

Journal 25 - How were Indian and European ideas of land ownership different?

Journal 26 - Free Write

Journal 27 - Free Write

Journal 28 - Who were the Puritans? Who were the Pilgrims?

Journal 29 - Why was the Mayflower Companct an important document?

Journal 30 - Describe the history of New York using the following words: New Amsterdam, New Netherland, New York, King Charles II, England, proprietary colony, 1664.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

8th Grade - Journals 41-50

Journal 41 - What should a country do to ensure that its trade routes and political influence are secured?

Journal 42 - A reason often given for taking territory was that the backward people who lived there needed the blessings of civilization. Would you agree with that attitude? Why?

Journal 43 - How would you convince a group of friends to play a game by your rules?

Journal 44 - Knowing about how the Panama Canal was built, and how the U.S. got Hawaii, describe how the U.S. was behaving towards other contries. (provide 2 pieces of evidence)

Journal 45 - Describe how the Panama Canal was built.

Journal 46 - What were the causes of the Spanish American War? What were the outcomes and effects of the Spanish American War?

Journal 47 - What do you do when you need food and clothes in 2013? How about in 1813?

Journal 48 - Why were railroads so important to the future of a town in the 19th Century? What would be the modern equivalent of the railroad?

Journal 49 - Describe and give examples of horizontal and vertical integration.

Journal 50 - Which invention discussed in class fascinates you? Why?

Journals 41-50 due: Thursday, May 9, 2013.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Overseas Exploration Quiz - short/answer response.

Hello 8th graders,

The following questions will be on Tuesday's quiz. There are three questions, and you only have to answer two! Choose whichever two you like:

1. What were the causes of the Spanish-American War? What were the outcomes and effects of the Spanish-American War on the United States? What choice would you have made if you were president of the United States in 1898 and the S.S. Maine blew up and the press exaggerated the stories of that event?

2. There are three reasons why Americans supported Colonial Expansion. Identify and describe the three reasons and finally state your opinion on the three reasons. Do you agree with all of them? If not, which one do you not agree with?

3. Describe the political cartoon below. Identify the policy which it represents and state if you agree with it or not. What choice would you have made if you were the president after the president below and the U.S. was viewed as a bully by other countries?

Friday, March 22, 2013

7th Grade Spring Break Journals

JOURNAL 24 - Explain how European affairs (events) affected North America.

JOURNAL 25 - What would you have done to ease the tension between Catholics and Protestants in Europe during the Protestant Reformation?

JOURNAL 26 - How was the Anglican church formed and in what country is it located?

***Read the notes and complete the Spring Break Packet in order to better answer the journals above.***

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

8th Grade - Journals 31-40

Journal 31 - Describe the 3 Civil War Amendments.

Journal 32 - What would you do as president to help rebuild the South?

Journal 33 - Who was Booker T. Washington?

Journal 34 - In "The Constitution Works" find two pieces of evidence of positive change and two pieces of evidence of negative change for African Americans by the government.

Journal 35 - List events that changed the direction of foreign policy in the U.S.

Journal 36 - Describe America's westward expansion. Begin with "In 1776" and end with the Spanish-American War. (2 paragraphs)

Journal 37 - Who were the first Americans and how did they get here?

Journal 38 - Describe 3 causes of the Spanish-American War.

Journal 39 - Why did California become a state so quickly? What year was it?

Journal 40 - Read the handout about "Expansionism." Take a stand for or against Expansionism. Explain why you chose that stand. (1897)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

8th Grade Mid-term Review

Please be advised that the information below is information that we did not get to cover in class. The first half was reviewed in the game that was played in class as a review for the midterm. Good Luck! 
  • When you have been disloyal to your country you have committed - treason
  • During the American Revolution loyalists wanted Great Britain to win, and the PATRIOTS wanted the colonists to win. 
  • The declaration of Independence was signed on _______ and that date marks the birth of the United States of America
  • Who was credited for the writing the Declaration of Independence? - Thomas Jefferson
  • America's first government was the ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION, and the Constitution is the second and current government. 
  • The introduction to the Constitution is the - Preamble
  • The first 10 amendments to the Constitution are known as the - BILL OF RIGHTS
  • The federal government's power is separated into 3 branches. This is known as - SEPARATION OF POWERS. 
  • Powers shared by the federal government and state governments are - CONCURRENT POWERS. 
  • Each branch of government hold some control over the other two branches. This system is known as - CHECKS AND BALANCES
  • After the court case Marbury vs. Madison, the 1st Chief Justice, John Jay, announced that the Supreme Court of the U.S. has the right to deem laws unconstitutional or constitutional This is known as - JUDICIAL REVIEW
  • The Star Spangled Banner was written during the War of 1812 by - Francis Scott Key
  • During the Industrial Revolution, another name for the train was - THE IRON HORSE
  • During the Industrial Revolution, towns grew into large cities because this was built in the towns - FACTORIES
  • What region of the United States dominated the textile industry in the 1800s? - NEW ENGLAND
  • One negative aspect of the Industrial Revolution was - CHILD LABOR
  • The three regions of the United States had distinct economic dominance. The South and the growing West were agricultural, and the North was - INDUSTRIAL
  • THe three causes of the American Civil War were Slavery, Economic developments, and - STATES' RIGHTS
  • Under this agreement, Missouri entered as a slave state - MISSOURI COMPROMISE
  • Under this agreement, California entered as a free state - COMPROMISE OF 1850
  • This made it a federal crime to aid an escaping slave - FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW
  • This vocabulary word of the Civil War means to formerly withdraw from - SECEDE
  • During the Civil War, Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware were considered - BORDER STATES
  • Frederick Douglas was a former slave who spoke up against slavery and - STARTED A NEWSPAPER
  • The population of the Confederacy was SMALLER than that of the North. 
  • The Emancipation Proclamation freed all the slaves in the SOUTH. 
  • CONTRABANDS = escaped slaves
  • The Writ of Habeas Corpus guarantees that a person is entitled to a trial soon after he or she has been imprisoned for a crime. 
  • The attack on _________ is considered the beginning of the Civil War. 
  • During the Civil War, black and white soldiers were treated the same - FALSE
  • A naval battle is a battle that takes place - AT SEA
  • The Battle of Gettysburg is considered the turning point of the war because: a) The North started to win AND b) Lincoln changed the meaning of the war.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

7th Grade Midterm Review

7th Mid-term Review
You’re going to have 50 multiple choice questions on the mid-term exam on Friday, January 25th.
Look for the answers in all of the notes that we’ve read in class since September 2012.

·         What do you call a person who professionally makes maps?
·         What is the best representation of earth? 
·         The two most commonly used maps are physical and political maps.
·         Know the five parts of a map and the functions of each.
·         Know that the earth has 7 continents and 4 oceans.
·         Know the names of the 7 continents and 4 oceans.
·         Know the definitions  for the following landforms and bodies of water: archipelago, delta, island, lake, strait, peninsula, valley, volcano.
·         The equator is at 0 degrees latitude.
·         The North Pole is at 90 degrees North latitude.
·         Lines of latitude and longitude are measured in units called: degrees.
·         How many states does the United States have?
·         The population of the United States is 300 million.
·         The study of ancient people is: archeology
·         Things left behind by early people (stone tools, weapons, baskets, carvings) are: artifacts
·         The land bridge that once joined Alaska and Siberia (Russia) was: Berengia
·         People who move from place to place for hunting and gathering purposes: nomads
·         Native Americans learned how to raise this crop: maize
·         This method is used by scientist to tell how old an artifact is: carbon dating
·         Through archeological evidence, we now know that these people were the first Europeans to come to America: Vikings
·         The Aztecs lived in present-day: Mexico
·         The Inca lived in present-day: Peru
·         The Maya lived in what today is: The Yucatan Peninsula
·         The Andes Mountains are found in: look up a map of Andes mountains on google images.
·         The first contact that the Inuit had with Europeans was: a commercial type of relationship (that means that they traded with the Europeans).
·         This individual was responsible for calling the Native Americans “Indians”: ________
·         Know this order: First the Native Americans walked across the land bridge into North America, then thousands of years later the Europeans spread disease among the natives, and then the Indians were forced onto reservations.
·         Know about the Inuit: the food they eat, what their unofficial name means “Eskimos”, why they eat raw meat.
·         Why did Columbus call the Native Americans, Indians?
·         Why did Native Americans become hunters and gatherers after they were nomads?
·         Leif Erikson was the first Viking to land in what today is New Foundland in Canada in the year 996C.E.
·         We now know through archeological evidence that the maps that Columbus had may have included Vinland (New Foundland)
·         What year did Columbus arrive in the New World?
·         Hernando Cortes conquered the ______________.
·         Francisco Pizarro conquered the ______________.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

8th Grade - Journals 21-30

Journals 21-30

21. Choose one event that led to or caused the Civil War and describe it. State the event, and include dates, and names of individuals involved with that event.

22. If you were Jefferson David, what actions would you have taken to defend and protect the South? Keep in mind the circumstances.

23. Describe what life was like for soldiers during the Civil War. Use your homework as a guide.

24. How did the role of women during the Civil War change their social status after the war?

25. What do you suppose was the purpose or meaning of fighting such a bloody war?

26. Describe the 5 major battles of the Civil War. 1) Attack on Ft. Sumter 2) Battle of Hampton Roads 3) Battle of Vicksburg 4) Battle of Gettysburg 5) Battle at Appomattox Court House.

27. Describe the role of black soldiers during the Civil War.

28. Write a Civil War story using the following words: impact, homesick, menial, discrimination, segregated, and manufacturing (highlight or circle each vocabulary term)

29. Explain how the Civil War had a huge impact on generals, soldiers, family members, slaves, and women.

30. Describe one thing that you learned about the Civil War that sticks out in your mind? Why do you think it sticks out compared to the rest of the lessons?