Saturday, December 15, 2012

DO I HAVE TO? (vote)



Follow these instructions to complete your C-PAS project. This project is your exhibition grade for Social Studies class in the 2nd quarter.


There are several sections and each section should be on a separate paper. You are going to conduct a research (3 articles about compulsory voting) and a poll. Then you will write about your research and the data you collected from your poll.


The following are the sections that you need to complete:



Choose whether you want to support or not support mandatory voting (compulsory voting). You are then going to create a thesis statement. Your thesis statement can be from one sentence up to a paragraph. Below is an example of a thesis that I wrote:


Thesis: Voting should be mandatory because it will make elections truly valid, and will show what ALL Americans want for their country. It will also prompt Americans to become informed on who is running for office.


STRATEGIZE - 1 paragraph

In this section you will explain to the reader what information you are going to look for.

Example: I am going to search for information about mandatory voting in countries like Mexico, Argentina, and Australia, where compulsory voting is currently in effect, etc.


IDENTIFY - 1 paragraph

In this section you will explain to the reader HOW you are going to gather your information. Describe what sources you're using, etc.



After you collect your three articles about compulsory voting, you will read them and write notes on the information that you find in your articles. This will give you background knowledge about compulsory voting. Document all of that information in your notes.


ANALYZE - 3 paragraphs

After you are done taking notes about your 3 articles, you will write a proper analysis about the information you found. You should have about one paragraph per article, three paragraphs in total.


EVALUATION - 1 paragraph

In this section you will write a conclusion about the information you found in your article. Was it what you were expecting? Did it correlate with your opinion? Also, state your opinion.





After you are done with your articles, now it's time to conduct your poll. You are going to ask 25 people two questions:

A: Do you think voting should be mandatory in the United States?

B: Why or why not?

Remember that you are asking only people you know. Ask family members, teachers, and peers. After you ask those 25 people, check the percentage of people who think voting should be mandatory and the variety of reasons they gave.


ROUGH DRAFT (Organize & Construct)

In this section you will write a 5 paragraph rough draft of your entire findings throughout your project. This can be very simple, if you follow the step-by-step directions below:


Paragraph 1 - Background information about the issue (compulsory voting)

Paragraph 2 - Explanations of other points of view

Paragraph 3 - Why you don't support those views

Paragraph 4 - Conclusion with a persuasive summary

Paragraph 5 - Include information from your poll


FINAL DRAFT (Monitor & Confirm)


Have SOMEONE ELSE, revise your rough draft. Please make sure that grammatical and spelling errors are corrected. You need to turn in both your rough draft and your final draft.


After you are done, use the scoring sheet at the end of the packet titled "Assessing Your Work" to score yourself. Be honest.


This project is due on Friday, December 21st, 2012 at 3pm. If you are going to be absent on the last day of school, please make sure that it is turned in on Thursday, December 20th.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

8th Grade Journals 11-20

11. Describe examples of how our Fouding Fathers broke down power so that it was not in the hands of a single group of people.

12. What do you already know about the Industrial Revolution? (Factories)

13. Who was responsible for the arrival of the textile industry in America? How did he or she do this?

14. Describe some improvements in transportation in the U.S. as a result of industrialization.

15. Describe eearly invnetions that changed the lives of Americans in the early 19th Century.

16. Free write

17. What would be a peaceful way to get rid of slavery? Keep in mind that some plantation owners depend on slavery to make a living.

18. Explain how the North and South differed. How was this a cause of the Civil War?

19. Explain how the Missouri Compromise and Compromise of 1850 served as a catylist to the Civil War.

20. We will do this in class when we return from Thanksgiving break.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

7th Grade Journals 1-10

7th Grade Journals 1-10

1. What continents have you visited? Describe them physically.

2. Draw a map of your neighborhood. Include the 5 parts of a map.

3. What is the difference between a political and physical map?  What is the difference between a globe and a map projection?

4. Look at your homework. Explain why we need lines of latitude and longitude on a map.

5. Choose any 3 landforms and describe them.

6. Choose any 3 bodies of water and describe them.

7. If a foreigner asked you what the United States looked like, how would you describe it?

8. List as many states as you can without looking at a map of the United States.

9. Describe the physical features of the United States from West to East using your U.S. Physical regions map.

10. How do you think the first Americans arrived here?

Friday, October 19, 2012

7th Grade General Review Exam (for 8th graders only)  

1.      A person who professionally makes maps is called a:
a. archeologist              b. cartographer
c. cosmetologist           d. historian

2.      The best representation of the earth is:
a. a map projection      b. atlas
c. globe                        d. google maps

3.      The most commonly used maps are:
a. physical maps                                         b. political maps
c. special purpose maps                               d. a & b

4.      The 5 parts of a map are: Title, the legend, scale, compass rose, and
a. lines of latitude & longitude                         b. equator
c. state boundaries                                           d. index

5.      The study of ancient people is:
a. history                                  b. psychology
c. sociology                             d. archeology

6.      The land bridge that once joined North America and Siberia:
a. Canada                                 b. Alaska
c. Beringia                               d. Greenland

7.      People who move from place to place for hunting and gathering purposes:
a. nomads                    b. travelers
c. Neanderthals                        d. Native Americans

8.      Native Americans learned to plant and raise this:
a. maize                                   b. corn
c.. squash                                 d. tobacco

9.      This is the name of the method used to find out how old an artifact is:
a. metal dating             b. carbon dating
c. carbon erosion         d. a & b

10.  Christopher Columbus arrived in America in this year:
a. 1592                                    b. 1215
c. 1607                                    d. 1492

11.  The name given to the explorers from Spain who conquered the New World:
a. conquistadors                       b. settlers
c. colonists                   d. foreigners

12.  Jamestown was founded in this year:
a. 1592                                    b. 1215
c. 1607                                    d. 1492

13.  This was a step in the development of representative government in America and was created by the Pilgrims:
a. The Constitution      b. Declaration of Independence
b. Magna Carta                        d. Mayflower Compact

14.  This document was signed by King John of England in 1215 and limited the authority of future kings and queens of England:
a. The Constitution      b. English Bill of Rights
c. Magna Carta             d. Mayflower Compact

15.  This document was signed by William & Mary of England guaranteeing basic rights to citizens of England:
a. The Constitution      b. English Bill of Rights
c. Magna Carta             d. Mayflower Compact

16.  Wealthy Virginians lived in these to export tobacco and they were worked by slaves:
a. estates                                  b. rancho
            c. plantations                           d. colony

17.  In the Triangular trade route, all of the following were imported or exported to or from Europe, Africa, and America except:
a. tobacco                                b. sugar
c. slaves                                   d. artifacts

18.  During the French & Indian War the French were allies with:
a. the British                b. the Native Americans
c. the colonists             d. the Spaniards

19.  The purpose of the French & Indian War was to fight for control of:
a. North America         b. South America
c. England                    d. the Triangular trade-route

20.  As a result of the French & Indian War the English did the following that upset the colonists:
a. persecuted them       b. disunited the colonies
c. boycotted goods       d. taxed them

21.  This act required colonial authorities to provide food and shelter to British troops:
a. Sugar Act                             b. Writs of Assistance
c. Tea Act                                d. Quartering Act

22.  This act taxed molasses imported from countries outside the British Empire:
a. Sugar Act                             b. Writs of Assistance
c. Tea Act                                d. Quartering Act

23.  During this encounter, a quarrel between Bostonians and British troops resulted in the deaths of five men:
a. Boston Tea Party      b. Boston Massacre
c. Boston Fight             d. The Great Massacre

24.  These documents gave British officials authority to search homes and businesses in search of smuggled goods:
a. Sugar Act                             b. Writs of Assistance
c. Tea Act                                d. Quartering Act

25.  During this encounter, the Bostonians boycotted the British tea, which resulted in a group of colonists dressing up as Mohawk Indians and dumped boxes of British tea into Boston harbor:
a. Boston Tea Party                  b. Boston Massacre
c. Boston Fight             d. American Revolution

26.  The idea of linking the colonies together into one country was influenced by:
a. The Iroquois                        b. The Europeans        
c. The Chinese             d. The French

27.  When you are disloyal to your country you have committed:
a. a crime                                 b. treason
c. abomination                         d. infraction

28.  The following: rights people have, where governments get their power, and purpose of government, are found in this document:
a. Constitution             b. Treaty of Versailles
c. Monroe Doctrine      d. Declaration of Independence

29.  These colonists hoped Britain would win the American Revolution:
a. patriots                                 b. loyalists
c. federalists                            d. republicans

30.  These colonists hoped the colonies would win the American Revolution:
a. patriots                                 b. loyalists
c. federalists                            d. republicans

31.  When everyone has the same opinion:
a. collective                 b. communal
c. unanimous               d. anonymous

32.  The United States of America was born on:
a. July 4, 1876             b. July 4, 1215
c. July 4, 1776             d. July 4, 1803

33.  Who was credited for writing the Declaration of Independence?
a. Aaron Burr               b. George Washington
c. James Madison        d. Thomas Jefferson

34.  This woman is considered one of the first women to fight for women’s rights.
a. Abigail Adams         b. Jane Adams
c. Jacky Kennedy        d. Ms. Joswick

35.  The United States Constitution was created because the government before it was weak. This document is known as:
a. Magna Carta             b. English Bill of Rights
c. Sedition Acts                        d. Articles of Confederation

36.  The introduction to the Constitution is called:
a. Preamble                  b. Pre-statement
c. Presample                d. The Addition

37.  The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution are known as:
a. The Preamble                       b. Monroe Doctrine
c. Bill of Rights                        d. Sedition Acts

38.  The Constitution is a set of rules and procedures for:
a. governing                 b. playing
b. war                          d. peace time

39.  In this Constitutional principle, people decide, by majority rule, what they want:
a. federalism                            b. checks & balances
c. separation of powers                        d. popular sovereignty

40.  A person who holds on to traditions and is cautious towards change is known as a:
a. liberal                                   b. colonist       
c. conservative                         d. federalist

41.  The federal government’s power is separated into 3 branches. This is known as:
a. separation of powers                        b. limited government
c. federalism                            d. judicial review

42.  Powers shared by the state and federal government are called:
a. enumerated powers              b. concurrent powers
c. simple powers                      d. absolute powers

43.  Each branch of government holds some control over the other two branches. This system is known as:
a. checks and balances                        b. concurrent powers
c. absolute powers                   d. federalism

44.  These were series of laws to keep foreigners out and laws that made it illegal for people to speak against the government, enacted by John Adams.
a. Alien & Sailing Acts                        b. Alien & Sedition Acts
c. Alien & Simplification Acts d. Constitutional Acts

45.  After the court case Marbury vs. Madison, the 1st Chief Justice, John Jay, announced that the Supreme Court of the U.S. had the right to deem laws constitutional or unconstitutional. This is known as:
a. Financial Review                 b. Washington’s Choice
c. John Jay’s Review               d. Judicial Review

46.  This country had a revolution of their own, after the revolution in America:
a. Spain                                                b. England
c. Russia                                  d. France

47.  During the war of 1812, what two countries were at war before the war carried over to America?
a. England & France                b. France & Canada
c. France & Germany              d. England & Japan

48.  Before the U.S. became involved in the war, they were trying to follow the policy of:
a. conservatism                                    b. neutrality
c. Monroe Doctrine                  d. absolute powers

49.  The Star Spangled Banner was written during the War of 1812 by:
a. Francis Banner                     b. Francis Scott Key
c. Abigail Adams                     d. Mr. Oliveros

50.  The ______ was a United States policy, which said that further efforts by European governments to colonize land or interfere with states in the Americas would be viewed by the United States of America as acts of aggression requiring US intervention.
a. Tea Act                                b. Sedition Act
c. Monroe Doctrine                  d. Abolition Doctrine

Friday, October 5, 2012

8th Grade Journals 1-10

8th Grade Journals 1-10

Journal 1: What is your favorite topic in American History? Why? In World 
History? Why?

Journal 2: Draw a map of your neighborhood or a made up neighborhood. Include 
the 5 parts of a map.

Journal 3: What is Archeology? What are artifacts?

Journal 4: Hunter-gatherer societies are nomadic. What does that mean?

Journal 5: How was Spain able to conquer large parts of the New World? In your 
reponse include the following words: Indians, Conquistador, Aztec, 1521, Inca, 
1532, disease, weapons, enslave.

Journal 6: List the 13 English colonies. Who governed them? Why did people leave 
Europe to come to America?

Journal 7: Place the following events in chronological order in a timeline 
titled "American History"

a. Columbus arrives in the New World

b. Inca are conquered by Spain

c. Jamestown is founded

d. Magna Carta signed

e. English Bill of Rights signed.

f. Vikings arrive in the New World

g. Aztec are conquered by Spain

h. Roanoke Island settled, & disappeared

i. Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock (Mayflower Compact)

Journal 8: How did the plantation system enforce the Triangular trade route?

Journal 9: What changes occurred in North America as a result of the French & 
Indian War?

Journal 10: Describe examples of Colonial rebellion against British taxation.