Friday, October 5, 2012

8th Grade Journals 1-10

8th Grade Journals 1-10

Journal 1: What is your favorite topic in American History? Why? In World 
History? Why?

Journal 2: Draw a map of your neighborhood or a made up neighborhood. Include 
the 5 parts of a map.

Journal 3: What is Archeology? What are artifacts?

Journal 4: Hunter-gatherer societies are nomadic. What does that mean?

Journal 5: How was Spain able to conquer large parts of the New World? In your 
reponse include the following words: Indians, Conquistador, Aztec, 1521, Inca, 
1532, disease, weapons, enslave.

Journal 6: List the 13 English colonies. Who governed them? Why did people leave 
Europe to come to America?

Journal 7: Place the following events in chronological order in a timeline 
titled "American History"

a. Columbus arrives in the New World

b. Inca are conquered by Spain

c. Jamestown is founded

d. Magna Carta signed

e. English Bill of Rights signed.

f. Vikings arrive in the New World

g. Aztec are conquered by Spain

h. Roanoke Island settled, & disappeared

i. Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock (Mayflower Compact)

Journal 8: How did the plantation system enforce the Triangular trade route?

Journal 9: What changes occurred in North America as a result of the French & 
Indian War?

Journal 10: Describe examples of Colonial rebellion against British taxation.

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