Friday, November 25, 2011

Reconstruction and Its Aftermath

Please highlight the following in your Reconstruction aftermath:

Highlight the definition of an outline. Make sure to answer the question on page 88. Please highlight the following: how the Southern states were slow to extend voting rights the freedmen. Any information about the “Black Codes” and an example of the “Black Codes” should be highlighted. Highlight what the Radical Republicans believed in. Highlight what the Southern states were forced to do.

Highlight: definition of Impeachment, the people who gained control of the South after the Civil War (carpetbaggers and scalawags). Highlight: the event/date that signaled the end of Reconstruction, how the plantation system fell apart, and definition of “sharecroppers”, and information about Northern investment in the South.

Highlight: information about segregation, and methods used in the South to deny African Americans their rights.

Highlight the meaning of the very important Supreme Court case: Plessy v. Ferguson, and what Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois believed African Americans should do to better prepare themselves financially, etc.


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