Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Directions: Place the following 12 events in chronological order. Use your packet titled "From Colonial to Revolutionary America" and use the 2nd and 3rd page of that packet. Remember that I gave you the first two events, which should be already written in your graphic organizer. Place the 12 events in order on a loose leaf, so that we can check it when we get to class, and then I will give you 10 minutes to write them in your graphic organizer.

·        Colonists respond with the Boston Tea Party
·        The British repeal the import taxes except the Tea Act
·        The British (Parliament) passes the Coercive Acts
·        The First Continental Congress drafts a statement of grievances
·        Congress signs the declaration of Independence
·        British troops fight colonists at Battles of Lexington and Concord; British defeat colonial forces at Bunker Hill.
·        The French & Indian War leaves Great Britain in debt
·        The colonists are taxed to raise revenue
·        The colonists boycott British goods
·        Great Britain passes the Sugar and Stamp Act
·        The British send troops to Boston
·        The colonists are angry and the Boston Massacre occurs

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