Friday, March 11, 2016

701, 702, 709 HW

Homework due Monday, March 14th, 2016

Place the following events in chronological order. Use handouts "British Policy After 1763" and "Events Leading to American Revolution"

- Colonists respond with the Boston Tea Party.

- The British repeal the import taxes except the tax on tea.

- The British (Parliament) passes the Coercive Acts

- The First Continental Congress drafts a statement of grievances

- Congress signs the Declaration of Independence 

- British troops fight colonists at Battles of Lexington and Concord; British defeat colonial forces at Bunker Hill

- The French & Indian War leave Great Britain in debt

- The colonists are taxed to raise revenue

- The colonists boycott British goods

- Great Britain passes the Sugar and Stamp Act

- The British send troops to Boston

- The colonists are angry and the Boston Massacre occurs  

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