Monday, September 12, 2016

Journal 1- 10

11th Grade Journals

1.       Describe a peaceful way to get rid of slavery. Keep in mind that some people depended on slavery for a living.
2.       Describe the 3 Causes of the Civil War. Describe, not list.
3.       Explain how the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850 were events that led to the Civil War.
4.       Frederick Douglass was an exceptional orator. Write a short speech about something Mr. Douglass might have said.
5.       The teacher will assign you an event that led to or caused the Civil War. Your job is to describe it. State the event, and include dates, names of individuals involved with that event.
6.       If you were Jefferson Davis, what actions would you have taken to defend the South? Keep in mind the circumstances.
7.       Explain the differences between the Union, Border, and Confederate states. Use your map.
8.       Write about a relevant current event.
9.       Write a journal entry in the perspective of a Union soldier and a Confederate soldier.

10.   Write about a relevant current event (N. Korea or Syria). 

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