Friday, March 3, 2017

Lesson on Friday, March 3, 2017

Aim: Why were Japanese Americans interned during World War II?

Bell Ringer: Focus Activity: Pass out Timeline and review the major events. Today, we will look at documents that address the question: Why were Japanese Americans interned during World War II?

1. Students will examine efforts to expand or contract rights for various populations during WWII.
2. Students will explain the impact of WWII on domestic government policy.

1. Bell Ringer (10 min)
2. Begin Inquiry Round One: • Students watch Document A, a government film on internment, and complete the corresponding section of the Graphic Organizer The film is available at

• Students fill in Graphic Organizer for Government Newsreel Important: This newsreel was made by the government sometime in the middle of 1942 to explain its reasons and strategies for interning Japanese Americans. This was before television was widespread, and long before personal computers and the Internet!

3. Share out Hypothesis 1. Discussion:
• What were some of the reasons for internment offered in the newsreel?
• How does the newsreel portray internment? Is portrayed as positive or negative?
• Who do you think the audience was for this newsreel?

4. Begin Inquiry Round Two: Hand out Documents B and C. In pairs, students read documents and complete the corresponding sections of the Graphic Organizer.

5. Share out Hypothesis 2. Discussion:
• Has anyone’s hypothesis changed? Why or why not?
• Do you find these documents more or less trustworthy than the government newsreel? Why or why not?
• Why is the date of the Munson report important? 


6. Begin Inquiry Round Three: Hand out Documents D and E. In pairs, students read documents and complete the corresponding sections of the Graphic Organizer.
7. Share out Final Hypotheses.
8. Discussion:
• Which of these documents do you think has a more reliable explanation of internment of Japanese Americans? Why? 
• Why were Japanese Americans interned during World War II? Ask students to point to evidence in the documents to support their answers.


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