Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Please research the following topics that will be covered on the exam tomorrow:

1. Name of the British air force
2. The secret agreement between Germany and Russia to not attack each other
3, The unification of Germany and Austria
4. Definition of Blitzkrieg
5. Another name for the Nazi Party
6 . The German air force
7. The agreement that ended WWI and punished Germany harshly
8. Definition of Anschluss
9. What reasons did Hitler give for the people to elect him?
10. Inflation in Germany during WWII
11. Annexation of Sudetenland
12. Event when WWII officially started
13. Who won the Battle of Britain?
14. Why did Japan invade China?
15. The Rape of Nanking AKA Nanking Massacre
16. Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?
17. D-Day refers to the American invasion of....
18. What was the "final solution"?
19. Navajo code talkers (not covered in class)
20. Japanese American internment during WWII
21. Strategy of Island hopping in the Pacific (not covered in class)

Below is the exact questions that you will see tomorrow for your short answer response, be PREPARED!

PART D: Short Answer Response

Short Answer: Answer the following questions in complete sentences (6 points each):

1. Explain how Hitler’s actions between 1933-1939, and Britain and France’s policy of appeasement, led to WWII

2. What was the holocaust? What groups were targeted? Were those responsible ever prosecuted?

3. Should the United States have dropped atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Use your pros and cons t-chart to construct a valid argument.  

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