Thursday, February 1, 2018

Lesson on Thursday, February 1, 2018

Aim:How did Americans' disillusionment with World War I help shape U.S. foreign policy during the1920s? 
Bell Ringer: Grade and review "The Car Becomes Part of American Life" 

  1. 1. Students will examine the impact of United States foreign economic policy during the 1920s. 
  1. 2. Students will describe efforts by the United States and other world powers to avoid future wars. 

  1. 1. Bell Ringer (10 min)  
  1. 2. Complete Attachment B as assigned, pages 208-216 (10 min)  
  1. 3. Journal 51 – How did the economic effects of WWI influence the economy of the 1920s?  
  1. 4. YouTube: ""  (10 min)  
  1. 5. Share assigned topics in Attachment B (rest of class) 

Home Learning: Journal 52 – What were the economic effects of Germany after WWI?  

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